Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cops Touch Womens Boobs

NEW! Hello ..

YAYY! this is our brand new video we did yesterday and kedo qe laita and editing at night. ¬ ¬ 'BUT THIS GENIALLLL shorter ke aunke our previous videos ... well not everyone .. ke GREAT BUT! Ahh ..
is called "Points Ellis (c) Federal and

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How To Make The Legs Smooth And Clear

HOLA! porke aki poko wrote for we are not followed but ke mui if qe ke we are eager to leave the movie of ALICE IN WONDERLAND by tim burton! AHHHHHH!
for more info visit the blog of laita [itt]
porqe aki never put a lot of details but now if you promise we make a n ew and stop motion video ok? .. but how to write more fede ke no fee and are itt [itt = laita] visit or blog for all activity and that .. BUT COME TO THE END OF THE SEMANAAA FOR THE PREMIERE OF THE NEW VIDEO .. So if you?