Thursday, July 22, 2010

Robopro Program For Elevator


Selena Gomez July 22, met his 18 years! Demi will have been the first to call to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hahaha! Well Happy Birthday Selena! I want:!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Aurangabad Marriage Certificate

Demi and Selena: Do you think that will continue to be friends?

Hi girls! (Do not know if there are men ) I want to tell that this week's poll is: Do you think Demi and Selena are and will be BFF's? That's the name of the survey expect to vote on it! The saludamoss! Demi and Selena 77!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ulta Beauty Australia

The city in film

If the commodification of the city deteriorated public spaces, will be our challenge to recreate, reinvent places to meet, exchange, share in a small library, beating in the heart of an area torn from real estate speculators, by dint of struggle of many men and women.

We propose, therefore, an excuse to get together and discuss these issues from some ideas that suggest the film. " The city in film" call these cycles where we invite us think of all the city we love and also we do not want.

Under the University Extension Program, "The Right to Have Rights", a group of colleagues have been working on problems related to Right to the City with different social organizations. This time, the proposal to think and talk from movies that show us any of this is happening in our city: the development of gated communities and their own logic of living together and trying to get away from the crowd of the city, the unpunished replacement of architectural heritage of our city moles undifferentiated and cored, institutional violence exerted on the majority stubborn that they refuse to abandon the fight for space in the city of all / as ...

The show is on Thursday to the evening in the Library. For now, we propose three films, a few mates and a space to discuss.

Library "Hector Oesterheld" - Olga Vázquez Social Center - Av 60 No. 772 e / 10 and 11

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Free Ftv Midnight Online

Rights as a tool for social transformation

Members of the university extension program "The right to have rights", participated as guests Day Thoughts and Actions from Rights organized by Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ). It took place in May at the headquarters of ATE Moreno and had the "to discuss, share and question the actions of the law as a tool of social transformation .

Day In had photo exhibits, videos and short films were projected documentales.realizados by young people. Also attended by the education commission Permanent Assembly for Human Rights, the Collective for Research and Legal Action (CIAJ) Legal Support Center Community ACIJ, Foundation Defenders of the Chaco Moreno and students and teachers Basic High School No. 35.

During the talk we share in Day, made a tour of all the work prior to Manual preparation of "The right to have rights", with particular emphasis on work in workshops with members of social organizations.

In the talk addressed the human rights issues from different perspectives, looking at the points of contact between the different experiences and methodologies proposed by each. The emphasis was on education / training thinking from the formal, non formal and from a community perspective.

counted with the presence and participation of lawyers, teachers, high school students Popular "Growing Together" Barrio El Cañon, law students UBA and Directors of ATE Moreno. Material was exchanged between the different initiatives.

The day

15:30 From
activities were developed in the framework of the proposed "Thoughts and actions from rights "photographic exhibition and traveled on the process of training undertaken by matching on Moreno and the projection of various audiovisual materials.

the video was projected "History of Ramon. Discriminated from a guy who wakes up ", performed by students of 2 nd year of High School Basic No 35. Also saw a series of three short films made by young members of the Foundation Defensores del Chaco Moreno, entitled "Youth and Police: an unequal relationship."

The CALC is part of a Community Action Program developed by ACIJ in the town of Moreno, Province of Buenos Aires. In turn, a space where students from the career of law UBA pursue their pre-professional training.

More information

Monday, July 12, 2010

Scorpio Guy They Like Me?

Pokemon Leaf Green Rom To Mac

Death Card Invitation

Ladies Posing In Their Girdles

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ftv Midnight Hot Time In India

Charla-debate in Rosario

Workshop on "social protest" organized by The Pampillón

The "Witch" (cumpa of Pampillón), Celeste and Esteban Rodríguez

On Monday 28 June at the Faculty of Law, National University of Rosario, participated in a panel discussion on "The criminalization of poverty and social protest" with Federico Galart and Celeste Lopretti. The activity was organized by the Friends of the Band The Pampillón and involving students and various social organizations. Before the talks, organized a small workshop to raise awareness based on one of the models suggest training workshop on human rights manual for social organizations, "The right to have rights." The activity was accompanied by cakes and a companion to share his music with the guitar. Thanks to Rosario cumpas.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rent A Gown Withing Metro Manila

The right to have rights. DD HH Manual for social organizations participated

digitally publish the second edition of the Manual human rights for social organizations. The right atene rights " (CIAJ, South Warehouse, UNLP. Editorial Collective, Buenos Aires. 2009 .)

"The Manual is the result and the synthesis of experiences in defending and promoting human rights. The aim of this material is to provide elements of analysis and action to enable and facilitate the formation of community concerning social organizations. The Manual contains training material consists of the following areas of rights: right to petition authorities, rights against police violence, right to the city and has a chapter on community communication and workshop proposals for organizations to bring this material to their desks. Publish was the possibility Manual provide tools for members of social organizations have more choices in our struggles. "

Download PDF

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Letter Of Request For Housing

in debate Why do not we bludgeon?

participate in the documentary" Marche Preso "in debate: Why do not we bludgeon? organized Flamethrower by the Collective, the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights of the Child, the Collective of Popular Education in jails and Aulë student group.