Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How To Reinstall Rhinoceros Evalutation

The right to have rights in Mexico

One of the most important critical events that take place in Latin America on the right are the "Critical Legal Conferences" that for several years been conducted in the University National Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) and next year will be held in the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Event-driven magazine Legal Review and study groups that coordinates and promotes Dr. Carlos Correa, such as the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities. This year, the conference had as central the Criminalization of Social Protest and invited us to participate and to open these V Latin American Conference held in of Mexico City during the days 18 and 22 October. There was the partner Esteban Rodriguez, director of "The right to have rights" topic " Criminalization of Protest: Freedom of expression, social activism and political closure." He also introduced the Human Rights Manual for social organizations "The right to have rights" and the documentary "Marche prisoner" productos realizados por el equipo de extensionistas de la UNLP. Las jornadas fueron un ámbito propicio para conocer otras problemáticas e intercambiar experiencias y materiales informativos. Así mismo, pudimos conocer a los compañeros de la Revista REDHES (Revista de Derechos Humanos y Estudios Sociales); a los amigos del Colectivo RADAR , un colectivo de estudios alternativos en derecho, y a los abogados militantes del Centro PRODH (Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez) que además de asumir la defensa de militantes procesados en distintas partes de México (Guerrero, Oaxaca, etc.), y de denunciar el uso de la tortura y las systematic repression of social movements by the different public forces in the Mexican state, are taking as a problem and trying out alternative responses to the question of "security," violence and social conflict. We also highlight the human rights manual for indigenous people and peasants who have recently published and distributed.

Inaugural Conference of the conference with Daniel Sandoval Cervantes

Carlos Correa and Esteban Rodríguez

Manual Esteban Rodríguez presenting "The right to have rights" with Enoé García Romero

With peers PRODH Center
With fellow Collective
The auditorium of the Conference

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Phone Network Lock Calculation

2 ° Workshop with Youth Day Barrios de Pie

November 27 On Saturday we made the 2nd meeting Youth Group with Barrios de Pie to continue the work of police violence shaft that has been ongoing for the Outreach Program. This meeting
work in two stages. In the first the boys were divided into groups according to the neighborhood, having to identify problematic situations or conflicts that occur both in the neighborhood as they leave the same. They also had to mark which actors were involved in that conflict and where happening.
In a second stage, the boys performed a popular news program where, with this format, presented from the simulation of mobile phones in the neighborhood, conflicts or problems of which had realized in the first part of the workshop.

Ezekiel and Gaston

Mobile 1
Mobile 2
The close encounter kids can watch the news that they were popular.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Theatre Seating Chart Templates

Memory Pencils

Children working in groups
For the second consecutive year, during the first week of October, the University Outreach Program participated in the conference organized by the Liceo Victor Mercante in La Plata, where young people aged between 11 and 17 years attend interdisciplinary workshops in their school every day.
This time, work in two different axes. On the one hand, in the morning and the older children, work in a workshop on Police Violence , addressing the issue of insecurity / security, construction of stereotypes and stigmatization of young people to reflect on the rights against abuse.

The other axis was the Right to the City , the ways in which the city says the contradictions of capitalist society. The workshop was held in the afternoon and was attended by about 20 boys aged between 10 and 12 years, through a map intended to reconstruct our practices in the city, those places that we go a lot and those who avoid never let go or not.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sore Throat Glands Alcohol

The right to have rights in the Fair

October 18 was held at the School of Journalism and Communication at the Universidad Nacional Fair La Plata Extension involving different projects, programs and groups associated with the university extension.

Partners Rights The Right to be attended by telling a little tour of the program since 2006, were generated as the workshops, the Human Rights Manual for social organizations and how we are working today in the areas of violence police and law to the City.
To close the chat the documentary "Marche Preso" on the criminalization of social protest made under the extension program.

Gabriel and presenting the documentary

Monday, October 4, 2010

Reply To Interview Letter

Extension Workshop with Youth Police violence Barrios de Pie

workshop participants
October 2 Saturday workshops begin on "Police brutality" for young militants Barrios de Pie. The participants were 30 young people from different districts of the cities of La Plata and Ensenada. The first meeting was an opportunity to meet and present our experience and recognize problematic situations with the police or the neighbors alarmed "with which young people have to be measured in the neighborhoods where they live or in the center of the city. Hence, from the screening of the documentary "Anti" (performed by Fabian Rétola Viegas and Germain), started working the continuing relationship between the social smell (the processes of social stigma) and the smell police (routines brutal and institutional discrimination). The meetings will continue in November and December.

working in groups
Work in groups

Bestie Poem-for Picnik

Presentation Day
Defining the territory that we

On September 25 culminated in Lujan, a day of exchange between local Villa Park Barrio Luján, La Plata neighborhood peers and the town of Berisso and members of the University Extension Programme Right to Have Rights. The companions of the MTC of Luján (movement of EU workers) told us the experience of making land and housing and reflected on the importance of organization and struggle in this initiative.

Posta in the 2 nd land grab
"The sweet sleep"
they call him Lujanera to the first 16 homes, because as they say their members as a child was desired and highly anticipated. Currently 20 more expected to materialize. From this experience of struggle was the need to know the process from the mouths of the protagonists.
The day's exchange took place emphasis on three topics that could account for the complexity of the process that began in 2004 and continues to this day, because there are still struggles to give birth.
The topics were: awareness and access to land, the arrangements and housing, the struggle and work organization. The experience was told with enthusiasm of its characters and peppered with questions from residents of La Plata and Berisso.

Darío Santillán street

The meeting was intended as a trigger for that Berisso neighborhoods and La Plata can begin to generate processes similar to those of Luján. The possibility arises the desire and strength to grow as organizations in the area: the work here is just beginning and after knowing the experience of the ERM, many questions appear and invite discussion on access to the city. Partners
University Extension Program of the right to have rights in conjunction with members of the area of \u200b\u200bLand and Housing FPDS-Regional La Plata and residents of the neighborhoods, working in workshops on these lines during the remainder of 2010.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vietnamese Shop In Sg

School Neighborhood Meeting young and rights - Day Media Workshop on 26 of La Plata

On Tuesday September 14 members of the Program The right to have rights participated in a day of workshops on youth and teachers' rights organized by Middle School 26 La Plata.

Some 20 young people participated in the workshop where they could discuss the stereotypes and the looks on the youth social discourse surrounding youth and poverty and the relationship with the criminalization of the most vulnerable.

The boys worked, after seeing the short and discuss in plenary Anti on images illustrating different situations where they had to complete the speech bubbles generated with common sense about insecurity, young people and police.
This was followed by a general plenary session where all the workshops presented what worked and finished in pure street band and dancing.

Boys show
Children working in groups

Friday, August 20, 2010

Why Is The Goldfish At The Store So Small?

Happy birthday demi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, August 20 Demi Lovato birthday! Happy Birthday Demi! YOU WANT: WWW.DEMISELENA77.BLOGSPOT.COM!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hairy Milena From Metart

The right to have rights in the UAC

13 to August 16 was held in the city of Santiago del Estero the 13th Union Citizens Assembly. Organizations, permanent assemblies, college students and social movements around the country gathered to reflect on social and environmental issues.

Not one step back, the earth is our The first two days of the meeting, committee work from axes, closing general plenary sessions, workshops and screenings. The accompanying music and dance night.
for Saturday prepared a march that ran through the center of Santiago del Estero, making strategic stops symbolically escrachar neglect of those who claim to protect natural resources and monitor the performance of companies that pollute.
flags, chants, whistles and drums to break the routine and bring the protest to the streets.

March through the streets of Santiago

March through downtown Santiago
Workshop on Social Protest
for Sunday's intervention was given right to have rights : with methodology of work and group work is reflected on the social protest as an expression and discontent against the State.

Working in groups
With nearly 50 colleagues from various destinations and experiences are worked into three groups. From there came the different ways of thinking and conceiving of social protest: from the fight in the streets as a way to express to the modes that the protest took on different historical moments, each group was turning their concepts into posters that were displayed in first plenary.

In a second stage is reflected on the criminalization and prosecution of the protest, here highlighted the importance of discourse and the symbolic order as forms of legitimate law enforcement practices and order from over all the invisible and stigmatization of social conflicts.

The workshop ended with the production group to build covers daily news of a protest. Paradoxically, all groups were two different covers: one on a "newspaper of the UAC" and the other about half that stigmatizes the fight. All groups chose the march on Saturday as a single event. Also stressed the importance of the organization to conduct training and education spaces and create different strategies to address the specific problems of each group.
The final plenary

Monday, August 16, 2010

Where Can I Exchange Canadian Currency Seattle

is coming to blog .... BFF: The Movie

bff movieeee
Add Glitter to your photos

Bigger Than My Husband

Demi Lovato: The premiere of Camp Rock 2 in New York! Selena

Hi girls! Today in New York opens Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam. With the JoBros, Stornes Alyson, Meaghan Martin, Chloe Bridges, Mathew "MDOT2 Finley and others.

Cervix Still Low And Pregnant?

receives applause at Musikfest!

Sel returned triumphantly to the stage after having to cancel some shows due to throat problem. He performed last night at Musikfest in Bethelehem, Pennsylvania.

Selena Gomez and his band The Scene opened his concert before a capacity crowd with their hit single "Round and Round" at the Musikfest RiverPlace.

A sea of \u200b\u200bteenagers were in their chairs, some had signs "I love you, Selena" with pictures of a smiling Gomez on them. Sel

waved to the crowd after his opening song, saying: "What's up Musikfest!".

Wizards star 18-year-old thanked the public for their enthusiasm, saying the Musikfest concert marked his first appearance in three months. The multifaceted artist

followed with "Crush" and then sang "Kiss and Tell" and "War." Tam also did some covers of artists she loves, and sang "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift.

Below are some photos from the show tonight Sel and some videos: A Year Without Rain, You Belong With Me and Island In The Sun. The

saludaaa!! Today