Monday, October 4, 2010

Reply To Interview Letter

Extension Workshop with Youth Police violence Barrios de Pie

workshop participants
October 2 Saturday workshops begin on "Police brutality" for young militants Barrios de Pie. The participants were 30 young people from different districts of the cities of La Plata and Ensenada. The first meeting was an opportunity to meet and present our experience and recognize problematic situations with the police or the neighbors alarmed "with which young people have to be measured in the neighborhoods where they live or in the center of the city. Hence, from the screening of the documentary "Anti" (performed by Fabian RĂ©tola Viegas and Germain), started working the continuing relationship between the social smell (the processes of social stigma) and the smell police (routines brutal and institutional discrimination). The meetings will continue in November and December.

working in groups
Work in groups


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