Monday, October 4, 2010

Bestie Poem-for Picnik

Presentation Day
Defining the territory that we

On September 25 culminated in Lujan, a day of exchange between local Villa Park Barrio Luján, La Plata neighborhood peers and the town of Berisso and members of the University Extension Programme Right to Have Rights. The companions of the MTC of Luján (movement of EU workers) told us the experience of making land and housing and reflected on the importance of organization and struggle in this initiative.

Posta in the 2 nd land grab
"The sweet sleep"
they call him Lujanera to the first 16 homes, because as they say their members as a child was desired and highly anticipated. Currently 20 more expected to materialize. From this experience of struggle was the need to know the process from the mouths of the protagonists.
The day's exchange took place emphasis on three topics that could account for the complexity of the process that began in 2004 and continues to this day, because there are still struggles to give birth.
The topics were: awareness and access to land, the arrangements and housing, the struggle and work organization. The experience was told with enthusiasm of its characters and peppered with questions from residents of La Plata and Berisso.

Darío Santillán street

The meeting was intended as a trigger for that Berisso neighborhoods and La Plata can begin to generate processes similar to those of Luján. The possibility arises the desire and strength to grow as organizations in the area: the work here is just beginning and after knowing the experience of the ERM, many questions appear and invite discussion on access to the city. Partners
University Extension Program of the right to have rights in conjunction with members of the area of \u200b\u200bLand and Housing FPDS-Regional La Plata and residents of the neighborhoods, working in workshops on these lines during the remainder of 2010.


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