Monday, March 21, 2011

Public Provident Fund Vs Mutual Funds

Enrique Ruano living memory of the impunity of Franco

The Rector of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid

is pleased to invite you to the presentation of the book
Ruano living memory of the impunity of Franco
Ana Domínguez Rama (ed.)
Editorial Complutense, 2011
Speakers: Berzosa
Carlos Alonso-Martinez
, Rector of the UCM
Ariel Jerez Novara , Dean of Students, Technology and University Extension School Political Science and Sociology Margot Ruano Casanova, sister of Enrique Ruano Ana Domínguez Rama , editor book and researcher at the Complutense Special Chair "Historical Memory of the twentieth century" Moderator: Julio Aróstegui

Sánchez, Director of Special Chair Complutense Memory

Historical Twentieth Century " Thursday, March 24, 2011, at 19:00
Historical Library" Marqués de Valdecilla "(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Hall Actos
C / Novitiate, 3 (Metro Novitiate)


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