Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sample Letter For Further Reduction Of Price

Presentation of the book on Franco guerrilla, guerrilla against forgetting

Dear members, friends and colleagues,

The book on Franco guerrilla, guerrilla fighter against forgetting our partner
Quico, has come to light.

All persons interested in acquiring may do so at the following address: Publisher and distributor Literary Tower. Tfs: 918 719 279 and 918 719 372. Email:

The leaflet also contains a space for people, groups, associations, etc. can fill the request for submission, writing to the coordinates contained therein, or
and pains in your goat: 607 798 292, 918 258 552 and Quico: 678 921 714 The price is € 18.70
Hugs. Dolores Cabra


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