Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kundli Match Me And Patner

Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhh! = D
I am very sorry to have posted anything on these .. mmm ... "4 days? mm ... I think ... no, 3 days .. (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) usually write every day or so, but good: S I'm sorry, I wanted to publish in the institution but you hit publish, and you get there an error in the HTML editor ... very xungo, yeah yeah ... $ Well I have Fondoa again! less loaded and as I like to stay:) but cutrillo .. shiii shii ... jujujujuhh: D I'll upload another day but I'm very tired esque, with duties and my head hurts, MUCH, muchíssimo ... Diossssssss T__T! I think I will explotarrrrrrrr! (Arrgghhh. ..! Good I am that I have SHOULD!
Passed a good day:)


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Side Effects Of Rephresh Making You Spot

Yasminaah Congratulations!

Today I write to congratulate a blogger very important to me as it was also one of the first to follow and be friends bloggeraa! It Yasminaah! GUAPÍSSIMAA CONGRATULATIONS!
who do not know who it is because neither has many fans and such, but hey I love that passes in his blog a jiffy, because is sooo good and has everything: Click here!
or his banner ...

Yasminaah, I miss you a little gift with the Gimp! now that I have the hang cojido I get a little better:) I hope you gustee! There are many things because they are png's of Blog freakygirly of these packs so cool (I have served a lot! jajaj) well and the move to Picnik and all pretty pony .. Lady Gaga is, I like them all but it made me do it .. ilu be what you think ..

If you like, I hope that if, put it on the blog or do whatever you like! tuyyoo is everything!
But most of all ... Passa a wonderful day, that you give away a lot of things you enjoy, and be a diiiaa súúúúúúúper !!!!!! Because today is your birthday and your day! Nothing is going to spoil you! ANIVERSARIOOOOOOOO HAPPY! Big Passal Yes?

PD: Have ... Do you like being ocmo this blog? That background did is horrible and does not use ... not to do .. I have 2 options .. 1. I do one less load 2. This will leave you well and everything .. nose .. : S and then put * s eyelashes .. canviaré names Ems will delete the blog, and I will make new .. during this weekend and the week we tarry! Awwww! and I want to make as many blogs with the Image Map, but more simple .. cutrillo but Passable .. jujujujuju: P I had like a few buttons in png moníssimos echos but then the code PASS hacepta I did not and is not adjusted .. ¬ ¬ I leave as I wanted to stay ok?

course click to enlarge and enjoy no .. xD but it is one of my best work ehh? that with the gimp can not do great things .. the desings that will use it only for me because edited photos for the rest ... : S no no .. haha cool but I like that the tabs?? I liked a lot but after awhile quarrel with that crappy ImageMap because I got tired and nose that I found a code I got there (after putting the links in each section of the photo) and I copied it and went the blog and pim pam .. shit here that is too fat for my blog! hahaha was too long and not see or naa ... buff! you like it?

byee! I expect answers!

[Beliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: D]

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Breast Feeding By Husband Of Wife In Islam

the world is crazy! Undecided

live in a world full of crazy, crazy and stupid! One thing we do a mountain super shit! The world, humankind, we trashed and we are all captivated by this thing that does that, crazy.

At least I see it:) Because to live happily, you have to live wildly, as if nothing exsisted difrutar, no shyness, shame, enemies, criticism, disappointment, ... no. The world looks better like crazy! : D

Well come to this for all that is passing by here .. I watch the news because when I trauma .. xD got a song that reflects escuhcado exactly what we are right or wrong, is precious letter, at least I love. Is "That boig the sermon" (how crazy the world) of Lax'n'Busto in Catalan (or not) .. sorry if I spoke but it's my culture esque ^ o ^ y.. released in the last capital of Polseres Vermelle! Agghrr! that pretty fuee .. Tempo 2nd now wait!

the world is crazy (Translation check for me ..: $)
the world is crazy,
that makes no sense,
and me think, "I do here?"
how crazy the world that I can never understand, and can
consistently Luthar,
a day gives you a nudge,
with such force that leaves you alone
the beginning of the road.
say the world is coming to patir.

How crazy the world has neither released nor back,
tenir not leave us what we had yesterday.
Queno the world is crazy to be achieved,
finally wipe out those things that meñspreamos
and makes us feel mesquinos,
in the distance is the secret
silent, unseen, patient, distant.

went down like water
and every obstacle
refamso as usual destination,
built to measure our destination.

A counter,
facing the wind,
to swell and NADO,
GOVERNMENT your boat,
you have nothing to lose, nothing
to lose, nothing to lose,
Loco, the world is crazy but it is ours,
and is the best possible.

the world is crazy,
that makes me up and down,
and later when I see that many worse I am.
That crazy world where we believe in one God,
and that opens the wings of vanity,
can be unjust and wicked.
But the worst is never knowing,
who pulls the strings on your balcony.

went down like water
and every obstacle
refamso as usual destination,
built to measure our destination.

A counter,
facing the wind,
to swell and NADO,
GOVERNMENT your boat,
you have nothing to lose
nothing to lose, nothing to lose,
Loco, the world is crazy, but it is ours,
and is the best possible.

And then I dropped the video for you (very flipped haha \u200b\u200b.. I have not seen it, but the music is bellaa!):

Then, I hope you like it a lot! What I meant is on this letter is long but wonderful leedloso please, is that he says many things that you look and it's true! :) If you will not hear it all the same, but look at the lyrics! video the song is in Catalan, because there is no translation.
Hope you like!

Madness makes things as they are ..! Madness is the most natural thing! My way of living outside the real world .. the only way to escape this nightmare and come to your dream world:) you can plan your future without limits madly, be yourself.
Because one of the major symptoms of being crazy, is that giggle that comes at times, laugh at everything, everyone, laugh at life, laugh. But laughter is the foundation of happiness is not it? Why, why do not you come with me to be mad? Yes? Well we're leaving tomorrow .. ;)

I'm changing the design, Marina feel will draw the background .. TT xD good already taken and as you saw in the lbog that it is already set as may be ..!
Then passaos (porfavoooooooooooooooor!) for this fantastic blog of a girl more than fantastic! BLOG ENTRY INESITAA! -> Inesita not shut up!
Pleaasee! : D

Thanks for reading, I love you. x)


Friday, May 6, 2011

Alternative Of Thermasilk Shampoo

but calm ... ^ __ ^

calmadita and serene I'm do not worry! I know that design CANBIO not? I want to do it (and this fact, I ezforzado far not been of web desings but acceptable) and I miss good blog prueva to put it all together .. and well I'd love your opinion .. aver .. The header stays fixed! because I've been all afternoon to do the background I see very full nose not you think? is very much .. overloaded .. : S I leave the blog i aver that:
the name is ridiculous, I know ... jjajajajaj! "Pruevamagicaaa"

Besso! Now go up an entry buenaa: $