Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kundli Match Me And Patner

Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhh! = D
I am very sorry to have posted anything on these .. mmm ... "4 days? mm ... I think ... no, 3 days .. (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) usually write every day or so, but good: S I'm sorry, I wanted to publish in the institution but you hit publish, and you get there an error in the HTML editor ... very xungo, yeah yeah ... $ Well I have Fondoa again! less loaded and as I like to stay:) but cutrillo .. shiii shii ... jujujujuhh: D I'll upload another day but I'm very tired esque, with duties and my head hurts, MUCH, muchíssimo ... Diossssssss T__T! I think I will explotarrrrrrrr! (Arrgghhh. ..! Good I am that I have SHOULD!
Passed a good day:)


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Side Effects Of Rephresh Making You Spot

Yasminaah Congratulations!

Today I write to congratulate a blogger very important to me as it was also one of the first to follow and be friends bloggeraa! It Yasminaah! GUAPÍSSIMAA CONGRATULATIONS!
who do not know who it is because neither has many fans and such, but hey I love that passes in his blog a jiffy, because is sooo good and has everything: Click here!
or his banner ...

Yasminaah, I miss you a little gift with the Gimp! now that I have the hang cojido I get a little better:) I hope you gustee! There are many things because they are png's of Blog freakygirly of these packs so cool (I have served a lot! jajaj) well and the move to Picnik and all pretty pony .. Lady Gaga is, I like them all but it made me do it .. ilu be what you think ..

If you like, I hope that if, put it on the blog or do whatever you like! tuyyoo is everything!
But most of all ... Passa a wonderful day, that you give away a lot of things you enjoy, and be a diiiaa súúúúúúúper !!!!!! Because today is your birthday and your day! Nothing is going to spoil you! ANIVERSARIOOOOOOOO HAPPY! Big Passal Yes?

PD: Have ... Do you like being ocmo this blog? That background did is horrible and does not use ... not to do .. I have 2 options .. 1. I do one less load 2. This will leave you well and everything .. nose .. : S and then put * s eyelashes .. canviaré names Ems will delete the blog, and I will make new .. during this weekend and the week we tarry! Awwww! and I want to make as many blogs with the Image Map, but more simple .. cutrillo but Passable .. jujujujuju: P I had like a few buttons in png moníssimos echos but then the code PASS hacepta I did not and is not adjusted .. ¬ ¬ I leave as I wanted to stay ok?

course click to enlarge and enjoy no .. xD but it is one of my best work ehh? that with the gimp can not do great things .. the desings that will use it only for me because edited photos for the rest ... : S no no .. haha cool but I like that the tabs?? I liked a lot but after awhile quarrel with that crappy ImageMap because I got tired and nose that I found a code I got there (after putting the links in each section of the photo) and I copied it and went the blog and pim pam .. shit here that is too fat for my blog! hahaha was too long and not see or naa ... buff! you like it?

byee! I expect answers!

[Beliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: D]

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Breast Feeding By Husband Of Wife In Islam

the world is crazy! Undecided

live in a world full of crazy, crazy and stupid! One thing we do a mountain super shit! The world, humankind, we trashed and we are all captivated by this thing that does that, crazy.

At least I see it:) Because to live happily, you have to live wildly, as if nothing exsisted difrutar, no shyness, shame, enemies, criticism, disappointment, ... no. The world looks better like crazy! : D

Well come to this for all that is passing by here .. I watch the news because when I trauma .. xD got a song that reflects escuhcado exactly what we are right or wrong, is precious letter, at least I love. Is "That boig the sermon" (how crazy the world) of Lax'n'Busto in Catalan (or not) .. sorry if I spoke but it's my culture esque ^ o ^ y.. released in the last capital of Polseres Vermelle! Agghrr! that pretty fuee .. Tempo 2nd now wait!

the world is crazy (Translation check for me ..: $)
the world is crazy,
that makes no sense,
and me think, "I do here?"
how crazy the world that I can never understand, and can
consistently Luthar,
a day gives you a nudge,
with such force that leaves you alone
the beginning of the road.
say the world is coming to patir.

How crazy the world has neither released nor back,
tenir not leave us what we had yesterday.
Queno the world is crazy to be achieved,
finally wipe out those things that meñspreamos
and makes us feel mesquinos,
in the distance is the secret
silent, unseen, patient, distant.

went down like water
and every obstacle
refamso as usual destination,
built to measure our destination.

A counter,
facing the wind,
to swell and NADO,
GOVERNMENT your boat,
you have nothing to lose, nothing
to lose, nothing to lose,
Loco, the world is crazy but it is ours,
and is the best possible.

the world is crazy,
that makes me up and down,
and later when I see that many worse I am.
That crazy world where we believe in one God,
and that opens the wings of vanity,
can be unjust and wicked.
But the worst is never knowing,
who pulls the strings on your balcony.

went down like water
and every obstacle
refamso as usual destination,
built to measure our destination.

A counter,
facing the wind,
to swell and NADO,
GOVERNMENT your boat,
you have nothing to lose
nothing to lose, nothing to lose,
Loco, the world is crazy, but it is ours,
and is the best possible.

And then I dropped the video for you (very flipped haha \u200b\u200b.. I have not seen it, but the music is bellaa!):

Then, I hope you like it a lot! What I meant is on this letter is long but wonderful leedloso please, is that he says many things that you look and it's true! :) If you will not hear it all the same, but look at the lyrics! video the song is in Catalan, because there is no translation.
Hope you like!

Madness makes things as they are ..! Madness is the most natural thing! My way of living outside the real world .. the only way to escape this nightmare and come to your dream world:) you can plan your future without limits madly, be yourself.
Because one of the major symptoms of being crazy, is that giggle that comes at times, laugh at everything, everyone, laugh at life, laugh. But laughter is the foundation of happiness is not it? Why, why do not you come with me to be mad? Yes? Well we're leaving tomorrow .. ;)

I'm changing the design, Marina feel will draw the background .. TT xD good already taken and as you saw in the lbog that it is already set as may be ..!
Then passaos (porfavoooooooooooooooor!) for this fantastic blog of a girl more than fantastic! BLOG ENTRY INESITAA! -> Inesita not shut up!
Pleaasee! : D

Thanks for reading, I love you. x)


Friday, May 6, 2011

Alternative Of Thermasilk Shampoo

but calm ... ^ __ ^

calmadita and serene I'm do not worry! I know that design CANBIO not? I want to do it (and this fact, I ezforzado far not been of web desings but acceptable) and I miss good blog prueva to put it all together .. and well I'd love your opinion .. aver .. The header stays fixed! because I've been all afternoon to do the background I see very full nose not you think? is very much .. overloaded .. : S I leave the blog i aver that:
the name is ridiculous, I know ... jjajajajaj! "Pruevamagicaaa"

Besso! Now go up an entry buenaa: $

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blue Prints Of Buggies

Embittered of cuidadoo! Girl

Rabii by diooos Quee! I'm super hartíssimaa! Arrrgggghh ... I am a
anti-people school bus
esque .. Look, today I and my compilation we have changed site because yours broke (you get ..."¿ as can ruin a feel of the bus? You have to be everything in order not? For Cojon * Why did we s! VV .. '") Well compis side with it are very funny and just laughed like idiots and scream .. jejej a pokitín! = P Well, we is in charge of controlling the bus when we are already half way and says "do not you cry so much (me and been a good time chikillaa! That porcierto no good!) And I" do not scream, speak loudly "(wow, that good ehh I'm educated!) and she" because flujito speak "(I do of course ... and then break I threw the glass i, do not jorobee'h!) I. .. "Worth .." (With boz Bakhit xD) good will and makes the madness that took me out of my boxes and I had fun as ever! my old spot pork is a roolloo .. the side or watching movies or listening to music .. ¬ ¬ After a while back and angrily: $ and says "Enough is enough, tomorrow a front and one behind!" and I "and before I go to" (pork me take it seriously .. lol and it was my fault, go ahead is crap) and she comes to the driver i he tells her that passes and then we cry (literally ) "you know what? morning and I get right behind the assiento and comeback that do not stop making noise!" (Mm. .. it .. you had to eat all the time to do know is hilipollas your task!) I "Oh! worth forgiveness already sorry .." with poor milk naturalemnte (esque when they get me so I put in a quee .. ^ ^) the driver starts to talk turkey with the assistant, "they are perfect esque never do anything." "Yeah yeah .." and blah blah blah .. seriously, I am left with a face of hatred that almost kill someone, because we damn doctor that something perfect fuérmaos ?!?!"?!?!"?? eeeeeeeeeeh deeen ????!!!!!!" to you by the cul *! idioot * s!! and then he goes to us, "when one day I got a headache and you will see .." and the kettle "Do not put those faces, no .." because to face and to give a shit what I * diagís, I hate you, I do not see you in my life .. (Thinking, many days it hurts and not mequejo as having three years! Tomato a espirina, your job is you have no right to complain, perhaps I complain of you stand you ia your fucking bus? A clean hit him very well eehh ?!) and then "and see if you complain .." lueog and start talking more softly and tell a child she turned to look at us "do not twist, let them have their faces .." Flipo yet .. OO ranging ???!!!!! others cry as often and they do not say anything! for I prefer that my parents take me. Moreover, their work is to lead and keep quiet worth? nose if you're going by bus or something but it's a really mormazo ... pissed me a lot .. waaaaay! is that it's their fucking job, I may also have had some pain in the head and January l esoty my institution can not give me a damn espirina, if you drink it hurts you big head! you know? and if your holy fucking fault because we have an accident you DLIA head brat? what you thought? espirinas exsisted, sabeeeeeeees?! entiendeeees me?! (What Estebán xD) I'm sick. fuck that go? esque really ... ¬ ¬ me before I die to go ahead! XX I'll go to the geek sitting in front of me with no driver and her 2 children that are there saying nonsense .. Tse!
good feel such insults and such .. byee! ¬ ¬

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

At Home Bikini Wax How To Diagram


Heey! Well the Enquesta have finished with a participation of 28 votes (grax!!) Has won with 13 votes MILEY CYRUS! Selena Gomez in 2nd place with 10 i Demi with 9 in 3D! and 4 mi hita Ke Gorgeous $ 7! Y. .. 3-tay! XD (I know, I know .. they are veery few) But I'm trying to get someone else will gusteee! : D no obligations, seek common fans of the 2 artists. :)

Miley Cyrus
13 (46%)
Selena Gomez
10 (35%)
Demi Lovato
9 (32%)
Taylor Momsen
3 (10%)
Britney Spears
2 (7%)
Ke $ ha
7 (25%)
Lady Gaga
  6 (21%)
Avril Lavigne
  2 (7%)
  4 (14%)
Katy Perry
  4 (14%)
  3 (10%)
Brenda Song
  2 (7%)
Brenda Ascinar(Pato Feo)
  2 (7%)
Lucia Gil
  5 (17%)
Kristen Stewart
1 (3%)
Taylor Swift
3 (10%)
Vanessa Hudgens
3 (10%)
Ashley Tisdale
2 (7%)
Debby Ryan ( Zac and Cody all aboard! A prueva ..)
2 (7%)
Mileyy! Guapíssima Congratulations!
PD: You're my favorite! : P
in the following month she shall not go! ;)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Genital Herpes On Your Arm

my math class

(does not look good because I went wrong picture sorry!) Click to enlarge! Great work
did in class today the teacher stressed and bitter to kill!
Phrase Translator made in Google. : D
Sleeping in the clouds! for those who do not entenga wanted to make a mattress but I went wrong i became more black clouds that i is a blanket .. :)
Because I always believe that the clouds must sleep ^ _ ^ biienn
PS: I'm not the typical troublemaker or anything, but I love to do the turkey in class and walking around! And then I thought of drawing ... ocmo was sleepy and did that .. jujuju scolded me 2 times + a threat to take away my only 10! Hum! Hijadelagrandeputadelatierra! (Not an insult I would separate = 3 juas! juas! juuu!)
byee and GOOD NIGHTS!

Monday, May 2, 2011

What Does Ambient Pills Do

This is not to have a party ... Only

Well, I told you not publish today, but happened to heed my consiencia and public one thing that has impressed me a lot. First I've seen Neko Kawaii Marina's blog, and now the news .. first because I thought what? but not now.
Osama Bin Laden has died. It sure does not now know if yes. This man was the "organizer" of the atempt of the twin towers on September 11, 2001. People killed and organized Miler Miler assesinatos more. And today it completed the spree. You say that? In my nothing, part of pity and angünía to be him, to be a monster without scrupulous. But .. United States (as the Navy) had a party .. mmmmh .. may haver killed many people but NOBODY deserves to celebrate his death .. Nobody ... Seriously, we already are shameless enough and we already have enough problems, wars, battles, racism, abuse, differences, and silly things like going to be a little more inhuman and throw parties for killing people ..! No! Let people, dammit! I'm not the man that .. but not be part of it, not to be aware of their murders and now we will be us who need to haver consiencia "celebrated" (or not) your death. Solo I say that .. What I do not want for you, do not want it to anyone.

By the way, who said he died? Because the news said they threw the body into the sea, why? say because they wanted a grave pilgrimage of madmen ... mmm ... nose, but their families may want the body or something. (?) Nose blowing out to me, but may still among us, but it is clear, is and will continue. They are intended? Do not leave a will? no thumb sucking! And open a successor .. things do not stay that way ... no, no ... The news said, "We did not want revenge, but justice" sorry but no, that is pure revenge, justice had been let cojerlo, not kill him rotting in prison. Not that. No. I hope that someday we can be more human eh people:)

Nothing. : D I repeat: I am of you! But neither of the other! x) But it is to have a party!


PS @ s! Catalan Today Vermelle Polseres latest installment of the season .. T__T I saw the "frikadas" (in remission) who rode to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI felt a bit sad .. : S Sorry! And now estudiiiiiiiar! : D just .. mandrosa:)

Blue Print Build Trebuchet

nothing = 3

EEyyy! Good Monday? yes? I'm glad:) on my great, thanks! I do not usually speak one or anything but I have no toy pa hurry and tell nothing interesting .. I have 2 exams tomorrow: catalan 3 tracks (asasinaré someone tell me ^ ^ just that: professional .. ca .... ta .. la .. na .. but naaah!) and English, the old cow's balls * s with irregular verbs, you if you face will be irregular! fault is not mine! I have no time and good *___* estressssssssssssssssssssoo0 me!
T_T I watch with my bus seat compilation "Forgive me if I call you love" is very nice: D but I cnteís terminamoooos anything tomorrow! jajajajaj: D
because I wanted to go and tell the public and k not going to change the design vary pokitikoo pa! Kiero XD kiss you, I love you and I love it! ; D
A besssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssso ..!

because soys best of ..

How To Turn Off Lenovo Vintage


This year finally, since we learned in October 2007 that was held a tribute to the three thousand shot East Cemetery Madrid (now de la Almudena), date (16 April) coincided with school holidays in France. What joy! We could travel there from Paris, Daniel Serrano Recio (91 years, brother and fellow Eudaldo shot eight people shot over Toledo Esteban Tower hunger) and I, instead of going to the big celebration of 80 anniversary of the Republic organized by Republicans in exile in France in Ille-sur-Tet (Perpignan).

O'Donnell arrived at the door of the Avenida de las Trece Rosas. There was the position of the editorial "Le Temps des Cerises" with books and posters Republicans (the famous "aidez l'Espagne," the Republican Cibeles, many more. How wonderful!). The comrades of the post, Torrijos (twenty-five miles from La Torre, where Daniel was often carry cattle fairs with his father and brother Eudaldo, but he, boy, just rode the carousels) sold me some wonderful posters (fruit imagination and the graphic talent of the artists who were thrilled by the heroic defense of the Republic) and without hesitation I signed our petition for the Republicans streets. Here in France also signed responsible for the editorial. Entering

I took pictures of Daniel at the lineup of those shot, including Eudaldo. Then we go to the wall to fund individual photos, with Mexican flags. That came to greet Daniel Emilio Silva who remembered him for the 2010 session of "Where are you going Peter? "Cultural center Jean Houdremont (La Courneuve, France) and Henri Belin, whose documentary unites them, as several Memory other Republican fighters.

After witnessing the tribute during which great personalities of university culture, the judiciary, SOCAM artists like Lucia, the young French student coming Avignon Ducellier Aurore, who read poems by José Luis Gallego. Franco's crimes were evoked de la Almudena, Badajoz, Jaén, Sevilla. Failed for lack of time, giving the floor to any of the (few) seniors present, or Daniel, (come from Paris) who had his two minutes discursillo prepared for a month (attached). It is pity to miss opportunities to give voice to the elderly witnesses of the tragedy English, because there are few.

So, with friends from Navan, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Valencia and those who joined us spontaneously decided to organize after the solemn tribute of Memory and Freedom for the shot, a brief demonstration of respect, (although only with the goodwill of those present) to relatives of those who accompanied us (not shot but repressed), the victims of the conflict caused by the fascists, the brigade we admire without reservation, about Torreño without photo the wall (not to find the relatives), with names taken from records and 'martial' relatives of friends in the wall but who could not put our friendship carnation not access it due to the lineup that resembled an open pit with skeletons, mounted to the wall in a symbolic way this year. Gil Soledad Alcantara Cullera they had asked us we put flowers on his part to thirteen Rosas. By not having them power and admiration and affection, we include in our brief and spontaneous tribute, the result of our enthusiasm and desire to act and speak out for the Republican cause.
photo also include relatives of friends in Paris (Acacia Counts, Iris Leclerc), Maria Gomez, absent, because it does not bother or on any tribute to our own, yet without monuments in Spain: Fernando Counts, Geoffrey Labarga Carballo, Labarga Emilio Cuenca, Dionisio Gómez Hermoso (these three shot), the hero of Córdoba (Silillos) John Joseph Bernet Aguayo "the Chimneys, the family of Ma José Barreiro, Juan Orozco López de Gamarra (shot in Malaga) and Barreiro Manuel Rey. They held pictures of relatives, Manuel Serrano of his grandfather, Mariano Serrano Sanchez (The "Navarrito" as a champion of agrarian reform in the Tower), Domingo Escudero of their brave brothers Manuel Escudero Peinado (Torreño, among many, shot Talavera), Avelino Escudero Peinado (de la Torre, but died in Los Glières, fighting fascism in the Resistance in Haute-Savoie, who last July held a solemn tribute Thorens Mayor Miguel Vera, president of the Resistance Amical English). Also came from Vicente Guzmán Izquierdo Mislata to honor his grandfather Torreño, Mamerto Guzmán López, a prisoner in San Simon, Vigo, until 1943, (which look data) and Martin Paz Fuenlabrada to join us and honor the Republican teacher father ( Miñambres Tomás Romero) of a friend, shot in Avila, like his grandfather, Julian Basilio Martín Avila, also a great fighter Fontiveros for Agrarian Reform in the hands of her husband Rafael. Paloma Serrano said the photo of Dionisio Gómez Hermoso, Daniel (the "Paris" de La Torre, Eudaldo his brother and father (my grandfather) Pedro Serrano Merchan, pursued by the predatory and ferocious fascist (like all fascism) of Stephen Hunger Tower. Many young people came together, including Ducellier Aurore, and some adults, who spontaneously united to support our group shot without photo names (Torreño whose relatives seek, eight shot in the Almudena, the record Eudaldo). Mirta Núñez Díaz-Balart said the mayor's name de la Torre, shot in 1940 in Talavera, Pedro Caballero Bermudez, (no picture yet though have contacted a daughter of her sister Nicole and her son Cesareo Lopez Garrido, shot in the Almudena, whose picture is not on the wall, not to contact their relatives with memory and Freedom, as I suggested, and we contacted them through the blog of Eduardo Montagut Contreras, who even opened up a space with great sympathy and solidarity). Emilio Silva said the relatives of Councilman Martin Aurelio Serrano, Cipriana and Trinidad, humiliated old Kiki ricin and red by the people before being shot and thrown into a pit by Méntrida.

We also wanted to remember his name and picture of the first Republican mayor of Vigo, yes there they put a Street, Enrique Blein Budiño, died in prison, Antonio Guzmán Martín, the son of Mamerto, which taken prisoner by not giving the child the Republican militias Tower.

Daniel and I sang the anthem of the PSOE unknown Pablo Iglesias, the English letter Marseillaise (attached), a magnificent hymn to peace and the Union of Workers, said that nuesra goal, such as Memory and Freedom, is to a monument at the Almudena with the names of those killed, in addition to ensuring that streets are made to the Republicans and their supporters (Gerda Taro, the brigade, for example), everywhere, all over Spain, a great struggle, to be bear at the cancellation Franco sentencing. So Sunday Escudero said the petition for annulment of the decision of the president of Catalonia, Lluis Companys, who was killed to destroy the freedom of their homeland. A Companys it does put a street in La Baule last August. Paris also brought home our sign "Truth, Justice and Reparation 'out at the rally by Judge Garzon to the English embassy, \u200b\u200bwith Chilean friends.

With this brief but enthusiastic homage at the Almudena, Madrid symbolic place of many fascist crimes, we express our strong desire to be helpful to the Republican cause, to express our passion for it. Ended with the enthusiastic cry of "Long live the Republic!

was nice and exciting to see in this dreadful cemetery with that fateful wall, the desire to participate, or fraternity of the attendees. In our humble level we are pleased to have participated in the tribute of the Almudena. So we say that whatever happens, "Source, your own drink water," return to the Almudena, for ours, for Eudaldo, by Elizabeth, by Mariano, and William, by Frances, cesarean section, by Felipe Cortés Simal (24/06/1939), by Theophilus Marine Aguado (15/11/1939), shot in the Tower, and all the others, Jack Shafran, whose ashes lie Today in the Jarama, by Oliver Law, fallen heroically in Brunete, the Lincoln Brigade. Long live solidarity, fraternity, ideals of the Republic, the Brigade!

Fuente, drink your own water.

Thank you all for remembering our heroic Republicans and brigade.

Rose-Marie Serrano, Paris, 19.04.1911

Recycle Bin Colours In Singapore

Firm Salinas (who received the Daniel Serrano Recio in Bobigny, 04/30/1911)

Hello friends,

How lucky we are: a Republican one hundred and seven years, native of Segovia English, Felisa Bravo (Salinas) live in Rue de la Republic (de la République), Bobigny (France). Today we received, we talked about the great celebrations of 80 th anniversary of the English Republic in Ille-sur-Tet, which was in the VIP with the General Leclerc ColumnN of medals of honor given, the last withdrawal from the Rennes barracks, on the island where her husband was deported (which pulled out of Algiers), and the future: soon we will be together at the opening of the street to the English Republicans in Bobigny (though not large, in some towns in Spain we can not dream or a dead!). Felisa showed us photos of friends, including his "godson" (not named), Ramon San Geroteo, newspaper clippings "Bonjour Bobigny, which was published in 2006 an article on "the moral tragedy of the English Republic" annihilated, with a picture of her young. We had the honor of signing our petition and made us a gift "so they would not forget." Impossible. It was a great moment of happiness and brotherhood meet Felisa, fragile but tenacious and courageous, who called us to say goodbye "comrades", the most beautiful title for the English Republicans.

Felisa Signature: Felisa Salinas (born Bravo), Segovia, retired, lives in Bobigny (France), Medal of Honor in Ille-sur-Tet and the English Republic (AAGEF-FFI).

chers amis,
How lucky we are: one hundred and seven years of Republican, a native of Spain Segovia, Felisa Salinas (formerly Bravo) lives Rue de la Republique, in Bobigny. Today it has received, we spoke of the great celebrations of the 80 th anniversary of the English Republic, in Ille-sur-Tet, where she was in the VIP box with the "guys", she says, the General Leclerc, medals of honor that he gave there, the hard exile in January 1939, the barracks of Rennes, the island where her husband was deported from this end of Argelès and the future: soon we will go together the inauguration of a street to the English Republicans in Bobigny (even if it is not great in some villages, not to say in any, or in any English city, we can still dream of having a deadlock Republicans!). Felisa showed us pictures of friends, among them his "godson" (also unnamed) San Ramon Geroteo, newspaper clippings of "Hello Bobigny," which was published in 2006 an article on the "moral tragedy the English Republic "wiped out, with a picture of her young daughter. She has done us the honor of signing our petition (for the victims of fascism streets of Toledo and a village for the purposes Memory of the Act) and it gave us a gift "so we do not forget it." Impossible. It was a moment of great happiness and brotherhood to meet Felisa, fragile but tenacious and bold. As we said goodbye she honored us the most beautiful name in English Republicans "comrades".

Rose-Marie Serrano

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sound Does Eevee Make

Spring is here!

Buuueenoo .. buuuesoeno, well ..
began centuries ago my dear spring
but today I'm in the mood to talk about it!
(jejeje xDD)
Yesterday I wrote only for the contest and today I will write something more serious. Okeeyy? x)
I'm bored, I have all the homework to do, but do not want them .. and I'm bored .. TT
roolloo my life is .. because I had to go shopping to buy clothes for my confirmation (oh, what the fuck, excuse me .. if I did esque communion and then go cop that! Christian I am not my parents force me to go, but we are not believers. . .. it's nose! for fun .. I guess the only good thing is that I'll buy new clothes, shoes ... everything to go bisuteriaa biien monaxD) and buy summer clothes, spring. but I was not pardes because my left and only had to take the bus and step ..~.~'

Spring, you can not ask for more ...
Well, spring is lovely. I love it. The
Tumblr_lk26gkrcbq1qh50evo1_400_large sun when you get the institutions, that sun i warmth that is until 8 pm. The long paraded with your mind among the flowers, the butterflies i warm breeze. Afternoons until late with friends, doing crazy without fear of cold and darkness that never comes. The flowers that open like eyelids with elegance i quickly. The desire to take on the world. The peace that passes you know that do not have to fuck the umbrella, it will not rain. Tranquility. Leaving behind thick clothing and heavy, and give the Wellcome lightly and short; out pants, hair hello! The wind ruffles but you do not mind. Great happiness it brings you warmth. The nice thing that sets all the time. Know that you're on the corner of the summer, you have to put a little more and was all over, maybe. Power stretch on the grass because it is wet and there, see the forms of cotton white clouds. Feeling the birdsong, watch as they fly through the sky blue. Crickets at night, its melody that conveys the arrival of summer. The colors are intensified for no reason, but you know that in the spring everything is more colorful. Sandals, feel the air flowing through your fingers and rub your feet against the grass and flowers. Each and every one of the insects that venture out into the world of giants, who awaken from their eternal slumber and are with you all the mischief in the open field. The cries of children playing the shovel, which come to your home. Joy that fucks us all. The first ice cream and slush of the year, most certainly expect and enjoy most. The colorful shops, new collections, bikinis and adorn the windows. And the desire to be in the spring, that's what makes you want to be there.
By: Belinda