Friday, April 1, 2011

'nadine Jansen Hardcore

Max Aub, a Republican copy

Max Aub, a Republican copy

The Federation of Pensioners, Seniors and the Disabled, CCOO PV has organized and is pleased to invite you to attend the next meeting of Film Forum, commemorating the 80 anniversary of the proclamation of the Second Republic, with this content:
Venue: Hall of CC.OO.
Naples and Sicily Square 5, Valencia
Date: Monday April 18, 2011.
17:00: Presentation
Florencio Martin, Secretary General of the Federation
17:10: Life and work of Max Aub (1903-1972)
Julián Marcelo (the Federation Council)
Llácer Isabel, a former Professor of Language and Literature IES
18:00: Screening of "Sierra de Teruel - Espoir ' (Hope)
Movie in 1938 and 1939 with financial support from the Republican government, led by writer André Malraux (organizer of the Team Spain) and inspired by his novel 'L'Espoir' on the defensive war Republican, with the co-management and support of Max Aub (cultural attaché at the embassy of the English Republic in Paris in 1937 and secretary of the National Theatre of the Republic)
19:10: Discussion and snack
Mohrenwitz Max Aub born in Paris in 1903 and moved to Valencia in 1914 with his father and mother who have to leave France at the outbreak of World War I, being German and English nationality. Max studied at the Instituto Luis Vives and starts at 14 an impressive literary production all in Castilian (novels, short stories, poetry, drama) before, during and after the proclamation of the Republic. From 1940 to 1942 passes through several concentration camps in France and Algeria, from where it can migrate to Mexico. There was nationalized while becoming the soul of exile does not want to give up resistance back to Franco's Spain, which is visiting for the first time in 1969 and three years later, just the year that he died in Mexico City in 1972.

1903. born in Paris ís, June 2, son of Frederick and Susan Mohrenwitz Aub.
1905. born sister Magda.
1908. primary studies at the Collège Rollin Pair ís.
1914. the outbreak of World War I, the parents of Max Aub leave Par ís and move to Spain, taking up residence in Valencia, where he attended the Modern School and the Alliance Française, continuing his secondary education at the Institute for Media Education Luis Vives.
1915. wrote his first poem in English ish.
1920. concluded his studies side and waiver to attend college, to pursue the work of his father, imitation jewelery traveling ed.
1921. Meet Jules Romains in a hotel in Gerona, who would recommend ed literary critic Enrique Díez-Canedo.
1923. With the amount of a prize of 500 pesetas in the lottery ed for the first time traveling to Madrid, accompanied by Jose Medina Echavarria, and read poems at the Ateneo de Madrid. She comes to the literary circle of "Café Regina", meeting point of many intellectuals of the time. space was nationalized ish and gets rid of fine service required by shortsighted. wrote his first play Crime.
1924. travels to Germany, being three months in the Black Forest. wrote the plays The prodigious suspicious and A bottle.
1925. Public daily poems and writes the play The jealous and in love .
1926. Marries Barjau Perpetua Mart ín on 3 October in the Church San Andrés de Valencia, starting a wedding trip, half work for three months by Spain.
1927. born on April 8 Mar daughter Luisa ed. Write the play Mirror greed.
1928. Public the play Narciso.
1929. Post a manifesto for Genaro Lahuerta painters and Pedro de Valencia for a first exhibition ng joint, and the book Geography. Enter November 23 in the Socialist Workers Party Spain ish.
1930. part in the "Reuni ng Catalan and English intellectuals, held in Barcelona on 23 March.
1931. born on September 18, his daughter Elena. Public Theatre Incomplete, to re binds: The suspicious prodigious, a bottle, j his girlfriend jealous, greed Mirror and Crime.
1932. December 31 is printed in the typography Modern Valencia ed Fable green.
1933. His book A and travels with friends to the USSR to attend a Festival of Theatre. Visit Moscow ú and Leningrad and on his return published a series of articles in the newspaper that trip Light.
1934. publishes book Luis Petrene Álvarez.
1935. directs the company university theater pany The owl (1935-1936). Articles published in the journal New Culture.
1936. Write theater of "circumstances" and published the Draft framework for a National Theatre and National Dance School, addressed to His Excellency the President of the Rep ublic, Don Manuel Azana and Diaz. Member of the Alliance of Antifascist Writers for the Defence of Culture in Madrid. Josep Renau co-directed with the peri odic Truth (PCE-PSOE). The Ministry of State appointed him cultural attaché to the Embassy of Spain Na in Paris. The Ministry of Education and Fine Arts appointed him a member of the Executive Board of the English cultural expansion abroad, moving to Paris in December with his family.
1937. Join the X Congr that International Theatre in Paris and II International Congress Writers for the Defense of Culture held in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. is inaugurated Pabell on of the English Republic in the International Exhibition in Paris, which had ordered Max Aub "Guernica" by Picasso. The Ministry of Instruction on Public and Fine Arts named him secretary of the Central Council for Drama. Write Teruel, What have you done to win the war?, and John laughs, John weeps, representing the "Guerrilla Theater." Collaborates in the journal Time in Spain.
1938. Assists in daily The vanguard, performs adaptation ng The mother, Gorky. Filming starts Sierra de Teruel, with André Malraux and published poems in Bulletin of the Secretariat of Propaganda .
1939. Sale of Spain Na 1 February with the crew of Sierra de Teruel and is reunited with his family in Paris, where the cycle starts novelistic The magic labyrinth, dedicated to the English civil war.
1940. is reported, arrested and taken to the field at Roland Garros on 5 April, where to Jose Maria Ranck and Jose Ignacio Mantecón. May 30 is transferred to the concentration camp of Le Vernet d'Ariege, where does the November 30 through the efforts of Gilberto Bosques, Mexico's consul general in Marseille.
1941. is rearrested on June 2 and led to the c Arcel Nice, where out on 21 this month. On September 3 is reported again and taken to the camp of Vernet. November 27 is moved to Port Vendres and on the boat 'Aicha Sidi' is deported to the concentration camp of Djelfa (Algeria). This trip was the inspiration for San Juan. Write Djelfa Journal as proof of their ordeal.
1942. May 18 is released by Gilberto Bosques Djelfa, but Detention ng in Oujda makes miss the boat and has to remain hidden in a Jewish maternity ed, until September 10 can board the "Serpa Pinto 'route to Mexico, where he arrived on October 1 at the port of Veracruz.
1943. Public San Juan and Country closed.
1946. travels to Havana to meet his family.
1948. magazine Edit unipersonal Waiting Room.
1951. Death of his father, Federico Aub in Valencia and you are refused entry to Spain Na to attend his funeral.
1956. After grant Mexican nationality, began to travel around the world. The Consulate France in M \u200b\u200b exico denied a visa to enter France. His first trip to Europe.
1958. publishes book Campalans Jusep Torres. Make your second trip to Europe and has his first encounter with his mother, since the end of the war in Cerb Ere.
1959. Starts publication annual ng E of Euclid.
1960. was appointed Director of Coordinated Services Radio, Televisi ng and recordings of the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). Make your third trip to Europe and is in Rome Jorge Guillen on the occasion of the inauguration of D amassed Alonso doctor honoris causa by the University of Rome.
1 962. His mother died in Valencia. conferences Qu Da ébec, Montreal, Harvard, New York, Yale and Princeton. Make the English edition of Jusep Torres Campalans and an exhibition at the Bodley Gallery in New York. It Jury of International Publishers Association (in Corfu, Greece) and National Theatre Prize of Mexico for The prison.
1963. Public Campo del Moro and anthology translated ed.
1964. travels to Czechoslovakia. It's International Jury Prize in Literature. Public Card Game and founded the magazine The Sixties.
1965. Public Country franc és. seedy stories and Catch. is Jury Prize and the International Publishers XVIII Cannes Film Festival. Travel to Germany, invited by Nations Inter.
1966. Public My p OAR better. He goes to Jerusalem to teach a course at the Hebrew University, contracted by UNESCO. Resigned his position as Director of Coordinated Services Radio, Television and Recordings of the UNAM.
1967. The Journey Havana as the Award Committee of the House Theatre of Am erica (1968) and participates in the Cultural Congress of Havana. This trip was born January in Cuba.
1968. Public Field of almond signs spelling IA, the fence and a volume of Theatre complete.
1969. Public Last tales from the war in Spain and Portrait of a general, seen from the waist and turned toward the left. travels to Europe and back for the first time to Spain na August 23 trip born The chicken blind.
1970. Public Selected Novels and was appointed adviser Radio and Television ng UNAM.
1971. Post a volume of Theatre in the editorial Taurus, under the direction José ng Monleón and full Theatre the Editorial Aguilar, under the direction and with a foreword by Arturo del Hoyo. It also publishes life and work of Luis Alvarez Petrene, Small and old Moroccan history, Subversion, versions and subversions, and the album "Voice of Mexico alive" with The true story of the death of Francisco Franco.
1972. Public or The NA and other stories. France granted the award of 'Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters. " Make your s econd trip to Spain Na. died July 22 at his home in Euclid Street 5, Colonia Nueva Anzures, City M exico, DF


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