Saturday, April 30, 2011

I Always Get Spots When I Get A Brazillion

Sansuni Contest! Happy

Hi! As I participate in the contest of Vidaloca Sansuni (no. Perque you put the link says is closed) and when I went to read again the rules and that it tells me that the blog is closed! HUM! And I can not wait because 1 is the deadline (tomorrow) Sansuni why I put the photo here, I hope you do not mind, then if you also want the shipping but I can not go ... mmm .. nose ... leave a picture and that's it, ok?

are my Converse! Are already very old ladies but hey .. I hope you gustee jejej! :)
I ponido "By: Belinda" because as you do not send you is because you do not make a mess and so to have it! : D
case you do not understand what it says (do bad handwriting, I know) puts it: "Put color to life:) jajaj!

Well just that! A bessoo!


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